How to Teach Clementi Sonatina Op.36 No.1

Today in our How To Teach Intermediate Piano Repertoire series we are looking at Clementi’s well-known Sonatina C Major Op.36, No.1. This is a great introduction to the form and style of the Classical era sonatina.

CORRECTION: An astute viewer informed me that there has been more recent scholarship that has corrected some of my statements. (Thank you, Janet!) This movement was in fact NOT written in cut time, but in common time. Clementi's own fingering choices (which are different than what I suggested) can also be tried by looking at an urtext. I recommend checking out this new scholarly edition which explains many of Clementi's own revisions/editions and is generally quite helpful for historical context as well as understanding editorial choices.


Skills and Knowledge Required to play this piece well:

  • Sonata form: Exposition, Development, and Recapitulation (my favorite music word!)

  • Scale patterns in C and G: understanding that they don’t need to start ON the tonic note to still be a major scale

  • Measure 7 is tricky!

  • Articulation - right hand should strictly follow the markings in the score

  • Cut time


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